10 Good Dating Sites For Bikers and Motorcycle Riders
Not submitting to your man.
This should be understood. I should not have to school you how to submit.
Dating within the same club or flirting with my bros
If you want to lose respect quickly, try dating more than one bro in the same club.
You will be the one on the losing end. Bros before what? You know the rest.
10 Good Dating Sites For Bikers and Motorcycle Riders
Dating one of my club bros, whether in the same chapter or a different chapter, should not be done
Mutual understanding and respect must be given. I’m cool if I was not that into you, but my bro will know the deal.
Being too friendly while out on the set is out.
You and I know you’re not that innocent church girl you are trying to portray. Otherwise, I wouldn’t date you. Keep it real!
If you want to remain in your role, you must respect my lifestyle and club.
This is my life, and you must understand and accept it. Period
Not trusting your man 100% and showing signs of insecurity.
If I invite you out with me, obviously I have nothing to hide.
Understand your place with my club and me
You don’t run shit! Take that aggressive attitude somewhere else.
10 Good Dating Sites For Bikers and Motorcycle Riders
Acting like one of the boys
If you are a lady, act like one. That looks better on you.
Our business between you and I is just that, our business.
Nothing is worse than a woman that runs her mouth and stays in the center of mess and drama.
I don’t want or need you at EVERY event!
Sometimes, I only want to ride out with my bros without feeling handcuffed or smothered by your presence. Find a hobby.
Acting too needy and requiring too much attention while out on the set
When I am out with my bros, that’s just what it is. You will get your time elsewhere.
10 Good Dating Sites For Bikers and Motorcycle Riders
Don’t get it twisted!
This is my lifestyle and my club. If your utilities are due, pay them. Don’t sacrifice your daily living to go on trips; expect me to cover it when we return. I will understand if you cannot attend some events.
Expecting me to choose you over my club or my bike
Let me warn you now; you will lose this fight.
Playing games while I am out on the road or at any time.
Any and everything you do on this set, I will find out.
Not knowing your place as my woman while out on the set.
If you see me talking to one of my bros, show respect. DO NOT INTERRUPT!
Know the difference
You are dating a man. Let a man be a man!
10 Good Dating Sites For Bikers and Motorcycle Riders
Running your mouth
If a weak-ass bro is pillow-talking and gives you the information, you know he should not be sharing; save yourself and him by not running your mouth.
Tripping when I don’t respond to your calls right away
I will get back to you. Stop tripping!
Stop trying to change me.
It doesn’t work! If you choose to accept my lifestyle with ALL of my extras, please leave it that way. Don’t attempt to change things later.
Dressing too provocative on the set
This will be a boundary I set with you right away. You know what I like.
10 Good Dating Sites For Bikers and Motorcycle Riders