In Tanzania, there are several kinds of sexual tourism activities. Some are very controversial, such as child sex tourism. Others are more acceptable. This article discusses the benefits and disadvantages of this kind of tourism.

Maasai arrive in Zanzibar
The Maasai are a traditional African group that lived in harmony with nature until the 19th century. Disease and colonization destroyed their land and prompted them to migrate to smaller areas in Kenya and Tanzania. They are also renowned for hunting lions.
During the tourist season, thousands of Maasai men flocked to Zanzibar to work in the tourism industry. Many of them were hired as security personnel in hotels. Others were hired to sell souvenirs on the beaches. Some even engaged in sex tourism.
These Maasai men wore red robes, clubs, and swords. They were also known for their tough looks. However, they were perceived as savages by foreign businessmen. Foreign tourists complained that Maasai warriors were selling them things.
As a result, the foreigners and local entrepreneurs tried to compete with the Maasai for the tourist business. Their approach irritated the Maasai.
Although most Maasai men are employed as security personnel, some are involved in sex tourism and trade their slender bodies. The Maasai are also notorious for sexual advances, which disturbed single women. This practice is illegal in Tanzania.
While the tourists were pleased with their interactions with the Maasai, some were disturbed by their modern commerce and materialism. For example, the Maasai would charge a fee for pictures. Also, the Maasai randomly generate bio-data.
Tourists were also disturbed by Maasai sexual advances, which bothered single women. They were also angry at how Maasai entrepreneurs on the beach tried to exploit their ignorance. Moreover, many tourists complained that the Maasai were taking photographs of them.
Ultimately, the tourists needed to be more knowledgeable about the Maasai to understand their behavior. They needed to decide whether to respect Maasai culture or not.
In order to find out more about Maasai materiality in Zanzibar, the first author conducted fieldwork in September 2018. She interviewed tourists, Maasai, business operators, and policemen. During these conversations, she asked dozens of questions. Her interviews were also focused on the social and cultural relations between host and guest.
Overall, the Maasai’s use of modern artifacts and materialism clashed with their traditional materials. Although some Maasai have taken up modern commerce, most of them are unwilling to give up their culture.
Modern artifacts used by the Maasai
The Maasai are a proud and recognizable ethnic group of the people of Tanzania. They live in the arid rangelands of Kenya and Tanzania. While they are reputed for their fierce looks and their ability to hunt lions, they have also adapted to modern times. For instance, many Maasai men now work as security personnel in East African resorts.
Some have even taken up sex tourism. In Zanzibar, a few Maasai boys go around selling Maasai souvenirs and even engage in sex tourism.
However, other traditions in the area mix with the Maasai. For instance, the lion attacks made headlines in the local media. This is because these attacks can be dangerous for the people nearby.
Another example of the Maasai’s use of material objects is their jewelry. Women wear beaded ornaments on their earlobes. Men, on the other hand, sport metal hoops on their stretched earlobes.
Other material objects used by the Maasai include sunglasses. They are frequently seen on the beach, and non-Maasai Tanzanians are often critical of their use.
Despite their lack of sophistication, some Tanzanians have shown respect for the Maasai culture. For instance, some non-Maasai Tanzanians have commented on the use of mobile phones by the Maasai.
The Maasai, however, has also been the target of foreign businessmen who look down on them because of their alleged savagery. As a result, some Maasai clans have had to settle in towns.
However, the Maasai do not want to change. They resist the efforts of the government to force them to accept change. These efforts included attempts to train them to write.
It is no wonder that the Maasai are the most discriminated against ethnic group in Tanzania. They are constantly on the move and do not like authorities intruding on their lives.
Although they are prideful, they do not want to give up their culture for a better future. Instead, they have the desire to make it more visible to the world. Despite their success in tourism, some Maasai clans are now forced to go into town to find jobs.
Child sex tourism in Tanzania
Child sex tourism in Tanzania is a serious issue. It has affected children physically, socially, and economically. Some of the factors involved include economic disparities, cultural differences, consumerism, and political instability.
A national coordination committee has been set up to address these issues and to harmonize domestic laws with international conventions. It is working on various child laws, including the Children and Young Persons Act, the Sexual Offences Act, and the Marriage Act.
Child prostitution in Tanzania is illegal. The law does not cover all forms of child pornography. Many girls are exploited in sex trafficking in tourist hubs or the country’s rural areas.
Tanzania was a signatory to the Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children in 2003. The Protocol addresses sex trafficking, including the sale of children. In November 2004, Tanzania acceded to the Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict.
However, Tanzania still needs to ratify the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption. This has discouraged intercountry adoption due to the need for more monitoring.
Children are also sometimes subjected to sex trafficking in other countries. Although sex crimes are illegal in Tanzania, the penalties for such crimes are not sufficiently stringent.
As part of its response to the problem, the government increased funding for the Anti-Trafficking Committee and established a Victim Assistance Fund. These efforts failed to reduce the demand for commercial sex acts.
Trafficking of all persons has been a criminal offense in Tanzania since 1998. However, the Tanzania courts have not convicted enough traffickers. They have also not implemented enough measures to identify victims.
Despite the positives of the Optional Protocols, there is still a gap between implementing these conventions and eliminating trafficking. This is a concern to all authorities in Tanzania.
To address the problem of child sex tourism, the Tanzania government should take far-reaching measures. These should include education, civil society involvement, and strategies against all forms of trafficking.
Tourism businesses are committed to an ethical corporate policy regarding the sexual exploitation of children. Businesses provide information on the problem of child sex tourism to key local persons at destinations.
Contributes to HIV transmission
Despite the long-standing decline in HIV prevalence in Tanzania, it remains a public health concern. Several studies have shown that certain key populations are at a higher risk for HIV infection. They include people who inject drugs, female sex workers, transgender individuals, and prisoners. These populations have been identified as key groups that contribute to the epidemic.
In 2013, Tanzania was estimated to have 1.4 million people living with HIV. The majority of this population was women. Women are still at a higher rate of HIV infection than men.
A recent study in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, found that among sex workers, HIV prevalence was higher than in the general population. However, the prevalence was only slightly higher than the national HIV prevalence.
Female sex workers are estimated to have a prevalence of 26 percent. Although they are at a higher risk of being infected, they are not a “bridging population” for HIV transmission. Their clients may serve as a bridge to the general population.
Tourism is also a potential pathway for the spread of HIV. Studies have shown that tourism increases the vulnerability to the virus. This is particularly true of domestic workers. Often, women who work in these roles are isolated.
HIV is a public health problem in many sub-Saharan African countries. There are a limited number of studies on the subject. However, a number of studies have found that risky behaviors and other co-factors increase the risk of transmission.
For example, the National Institute of Medical Research found that a number of factors were associated with increased risk for HIV. These included early age of sexual debut, multiple sexual partners, extramarital sex, and low knowledge of condoms.
There are several interventions to reduce the risk of HIV transmission. Prevention measures can include counseling for IDUs, testing, and the use of condoms for MSM. Early treatment for HIV has been shown to decrease the likelihood of transmitting the virus.
There is a need for more research to determine the risks of HIV transmission in different populations, including pregnant women. Although HIV is an important public health issue, more research is needed to identify the factors that contribute to the epidemic.