If you are thinking about getting rid of your Horny-Gang.com dating account, you need to know a couple of things. First, you need to know what happens to your profile once you delete it. Then you’ll need to figure out whether you want to pause your profile or cancel your premium subscription.

What Happens When I Delete My Dating Account?
There are a few things to keep in mind when deleting your Horny-Gang.com dating account. These sites are designed to find a romantic partner, not keep your profile around forever. That said, deleting old accounts is one of the best ways to protect your privacy online. These sites may be collecting personal data about you that you might not be aware of, such as your matches’ gender and star sign.
While dating sites collect much information about you, they also use that data to improve their service. Sometimes they may sell your details to third parties or share them with advertisers. Unfortunately, dating sites are notoriously bad when it comes to data security. Most major dating sites have experienced data breaches. In such cases, you must delete your account as soon as possible.
Cancel My Premium Horny-Gang Subscription
Canceling your subscription is easy. Complete the cancellation form and follow the instructions on the site. After you do this, you will no longer be billed for the subscription. Moreover, you will no longer receive any emails from the company. You will no longer be charged unless you cancel before the next billing cycle.
Android: Manage Subscription Horny-Gang App
The only problem is that you cannot delete your account from your phone because the dating site needs to verify activity on your device. However, you can take a break instead of deleting your account. This way, you will be able to retain your old conversations and matches. You can turn off this feature anytime to return to full account functionality.
iOS: Manage Subscription Horny-Gang App
If you want to delete your account permanently, you can do it in two ways. You can choose to delete your profile completely, or you can choose to “Take a Break.” This option allows you to keep your old matches and conversations and switch them off whenever possible. Then, you can return to the entire account function if you want to. However, keep in mind that Apple does not recommend or endorse third-party products or websites.
How To Reactivate My Horny-Gang.com Profile
There are several ways to reactivate your profile after permanently deleting it. The first step is to send a support request. Then, the support team will look into the case. You can often request to reactivate your profile in less than 48 hours.